Monday 10 February 2014

The first sentence of the first post on this Blog hereby gives warning that early entries in this project will, in all likelihood, be disordered and random.

The second sentence gives no apology for this.

This is a forum for my views on existence. The word 'existence' is not being used pretentiously here. Whoever thinks so can suck it. As such, it will be a place for uplifting things, profane things and, to unabashedly use a much bastardised and, indeed, shat-upon term, sacred things.
I have done my best to try and understand every human experience, if unable to empathise with every one.
For instance, I will never be able to fully empathise with those who assume a more highly developed sense of morality than others, (I speak of the politically and philosophically self-righteous as much as those who labour under a sense of religious superiority). More on this particular issue in a later post. Maybe. If I feel like it.
At any rate, I would be genuinely excited if someone found the things posted here interesting and thought provoking. Actually, downgrade the 'thought-provoking' thing. Emotionally engaging would be far more exciting. And as for anger-inducing, well, that would be fun but I doubt that those who would get angry would understand what I'm on about anyway, unless I manage to be far more direct in my statements than I am.
I do, however, expect to be misinterpreted a great deal.

Summing up this brief little introduction, I leave everyone who reads this with a beautiful poem I heard once:

Life is weird.